Bankstown Senior College

Pathways to Opportunities

Telephone02 9707 3288

Refugees Breaking Down Cultural Barriers Program

Students from Bankstown Senior College have taken part in the Refugees Breaking Down Barriers Program offered by Belgravia Leisure at Auburn Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre.

They have been featured in an article acknowledging the success of the program.

Excerpt from article:

"Through a shared commitment to inclusion, Belgravia Leisure and Bankstown Senior College worked with the community to get the five young men, not only qualified as lifeguards but also up to a passable standard of swimming. With the help of the Auburn Ruth Aquatic Centre senior managers, the application process for their jobs was modified to highlight what they could do, rather than describe in English - not their first language - what they should do.

Offers were made to the group to work during the summer.

In the workplace, these young men were so capable in their jobs that they became the standard bearers for excellence in job performance, relied upon by co-workers and managers. Colleagues reported improved cultural awareness and social cohesion, epitomised by genuine friendship groups which developed and socialised away from work."


"The immense success of this workforce diversification initiative has been a catalyst for expansion and replication. Four young women of diversity have completed training and been employed at Auburn Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre. The RLSSA has contributed 15 scholarships for training of students of Bankstown Senior College, with Belgravia Leisure committing to employ all graduates in leisure facilities it operates in western Sydney."


Full article available here:

Additional article available here: