Bankstown Senior College

Pathways to Opportunities

Telephone02 9707 3288

Oliver library catalogue

Finding books and other resources in the library using Oliver

While you can browse or search the library shelves for the item that you are after (book, audio, video or magazine), the best way to find it is by using the Oliver library catalogue.  It is online and can be accessed 24/7.  It looks like this.  Put your search term in the search box and click search.   Alternatively, click on a book cover to read about the book so that you can choose to read it or not.  Click on the arrows at the sides to see more titles.  

To access the Oliver library catalogue from your computer or mobile device log-on to the student portal and click the icon beside the mail icon.

Student Portal

Accessing information about your loans, due dates, renewals and more

If you look at the top image, on the right you will see your name (mine in the image) and an arrow beside it.  If you click on that arrow you can see links, such as loans and reservations.  If you click on the loans link it will take you to a page that shows your loans.  As you can see, I currently have two loans.  If you click on the book cover you can see when you borrowed it and when it is due.  If you look just above the cover you can see "renew loans".  This enables you to renew your loans for another two weeks when they have become due to be returned.  You can do this on your own and you do not need the permission of library staff to do it.  You can only do this once as just one renewal is permitted.

Loans screen